Hi all. I’ve connected with many amazing people and organizations supporting freelancers and independent workers. I want to make sure that these tools and resources are available to everyone, so I’m compiling them here into a comprehensive list that I’ll keep updating regularly and link in the monthly rundown.
I’m sure I’m missing many, so if you have any to add, please share in the comments, and I’ll get them in.
Organizations & Agencies
Freelancers Union: A US-based organization that is a one-stop shop for everything freelancers need, from custom insurance plans to legal support to free professional development to an in-person co-working space in NY.
Indie List: An Ireland-based freelance agency specifically for marketers and creatives. They also build incredible community and support for their freelancers.
Uncompany: A US-based freelance agency with a community, development, and a different job-seeking approach.
Newsletters, Blogs, & Podcasts
Work. Better.: An incredible newsletter about all things work.
Talking Freelance: This podcast is especially geared toward newer freelancers and those interested in platforms like Upwork. My dear friend, Leah Meyers, also has many other great resources for the freelance journey.
Laura’s Consulting Guide: A TON of resources and an amazing newsletter specifically for consultants.
The Content Playbook: A newsletter and podcast on content marketing and all things freelance.
Freelance Magic: An amazing newsletter and podcast with practical tips for freelancers.
Freelance Cake: A newsletter and podcast for freelancers looking to take their work and income to the next level.
Freelancer Magazine: A UK-based zine with articles, resources, events, and community.
Communities & SM Accounts
Freelancing.eu: An open directory and community for European freelancers. They also have a killer newsletter.
The Kenza Collective: A community specifically for freelancers who are parents.
Freelance Business Community: An EU-based community for freelancers that also puts on an incredible series of free workshops each year.
Superpath: A community especially for content marketers.
Peak Freelance: A global community for freelance writers.
Leapers: A community that supports the mental health of freelancers and the self-employed.
Happy Freelancers: UK-based folks who put happiness above the hustle.
Freelance Copywriters & Content Writers: A FB group specifically for freelance writers.
The Freelance Content Marketing Writer: A FB group specifically for content marketers and writers.